Wednesday, March 20, 2024

5 Reasons Why the 70-30 Rule Is Still Needed in 2024

5 Reasons Why the 70-30 Rule Is Still Needed in 2024 

There is a long-standing guide known as the 70-30 rule that many veteran ESL teachers are aware of. If you need a refresher, check out more below. 

The 70-30 rule is the ratio of student talk time (STT) to teacher talk time (TTT). Total class talk time during one ESL conversation class period can be anywhere from 60 minutes, to 50, to 45, 30, 20, etc.. 

The class time represents 100% of the potential opportunities to speak by English language learners and English language teachers. The 70-30 rule states that 70% of the lesson talk time should be student talk time. The remaining 30 percent should be teacher talk time. 

Seventy-thirty provides a formula for monitoring who might be speaking more in ESL conversation classrooms. Ideally, the learners are afforded more opportunities to use the language and gain confidence while allowing teachers to provide more feedback. And it is an effective method for gauging yourself as a teacher.

Although the 70-30 rule isn't a hard and fast mandate in the TESOL industry, where measurements need to be made, it is a good rule of thumb that can help teachers manage their conversation classes. However, there are some teachers that believe it is an archaic concept. What follows are five reasons why the 70-30 rule is still needed in ESL classrooms. 

1. More Opportunities for Feedback

The more learners talk, the more feedback you as a teacher can provide, the more you can focus on their needs. A class dominated by the teacher’s voice offers very little in giving students real feedback. And it is feedback that matters. 

Students need to know more about how they can improve instead of learning more about the language. When a teacher talks beyond 30, the tendency is to talk about unimportant matters. The 70-30 rule gives students more possibilities to receive relevant feedback for their specific needs. 

2. It Limits the Amount of ‘Teaching’ Teachers Do

Keeping talk time to 30 inhibits excessive teaching on the part of the teacher. Human minds can only receive a certain amount of information in one sitting. Because of that, a 70-30 rule prevents teachers from overwhelming students with ‘information.’ Teachers who speak more than that tend to overtalk points.

English language teachers sometimes add more than is necessary for the target language of the immediate lesson. So instead of being allowed to exercise the target points, they have been given, students listen to more than they need to. 

As a result, they lose time using English. The 70-30 rule pushes teachers to focus on the important issues—the areas that need improvement. And it allows students more opportunities to use the language. 

3. The 70-30 Rule Promotes Fluency

Like practicing the hula-hoop, the more you do it, the more proficient you become. The 70-30 rule invites students to not only speak more, but it also gives them opportunities to develop fluency. By restraining ESL teachers from much speaking, learners are gently encouraged to add more information in their answers.

When language learners are prompted to speak further, they must access more vocabulary and structure. This in turn helps build more ability to use the language in a fluid manner. When learners are afforded ample amounts of time to practice the language, they gain the confidence that leads to improved fluency. The 70-30 rule can be thought of as a teaching aid in that respect. 

4. More Satisfied Students 

One of the biggest complaints I have heard over the years is when students say the teacher talks too much. And in many cases, it's true. Another complaint I hear is students saying that their teacher never gives them opportunities to speak. In fact, most ESL student complaints involve something to do with speaking. They feel that they never have a chance to speak.

Teachers must be aware that they are not just teaching students but managing customers.

Why? Because the teacher has ignored the 70-30 rule. Teachers must be aware that they are not just teaching students but managing customers. As such, he/she must be concerned about what the student not only needs but wants. And they want to be able to talk when they pay for a class. They want to maximize their investments. By giving people what they pay for, the 70-30 rule helps teachers improve student satisfaction. 

5. Why Not Let Students Talk More? 

The class is not about you the teacher, but about the learners. Since the class is for them, it just makes sense to give them more opportunities to speak. They may want to share their answers to questions. They may want to share their life experiences. They may want to express their opinions about a matter.

Whatever they want to share, it is their time to do so. They paid for it. The ESL classroom is not a platform for teachers to share their opinions, thoughts, experiences, or ideas. That belongs to students. 

It may be difficult at times for teachers to remain quiet when they have an opinion about something that comes up in class. It takes practice—believe me, I know. But it's better to deflect the response to class members, giving them opportunities to interact with each other. 

Remember, your role as a teacher is to support not oppress; to facilitate not dominate. 

If it is a one-on-one class, the 70-30 rule ensures that the teacher’s opinions are kept to a minimum. Share just enough to provide an example of how a student can respond, but don't take center stage. Remember, your role as a teacher is to support not oppress; to facilitate not dominate. 

6. What About Low-Level Learners? 

One argument I hear against the 70-30 rule is that the teachers ‘must’ speak more in lower-level classrooms. But is that true? The teacher may feel he/she needs to talk more. But it just means lower-level learners need more time, encouragement, and structure to produce their thoughts.

They need more patience—i.e., there will be more need for silence, not more need for teacher talk (TTT) to fill the silence. Some teachers are uncomfortable with silence. However, silence is a necessary part of language development as language learners take time to think about their responses. If an ESL teacher must speak, perhaps he/she could give a brief example answer or gentle prompting.


The 70-30 rule is a necessary component in conversation lessons. It gives teachers more opportunities to give feedback and students more feedback. 

It keeps the teaching to the bare necessities. The 70-30 rule promotes fluency by allowing students more time to speak. It helps ensure a more satisfied customer. And it just makes sense to let English language learners speak more.

Even at lower levels, students can be afforded the courtesy of 70-30 by giving them the time to create statements in their minds then produce them without interruption. The 70-30 rule is useful, it works, and is still needed today.


This is an update of a blog post I wrote for ontesol several years ago. 


Author: Jerry S. 

Author Bio: Jerry is a marketplace English language trainer of 21 years, with a wide range of experience and education ranging from bachelor to doctorate degrees in various fields, who writes articles, blogs, devotions, e-books, academic papers, and more. 

Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash.

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